Plaster is a common construction material, and it’s been around for centuries trespassing various modifications until we’ve finally got a wide range of plaster types for different uses we have today. Since plaster is mostly used for internal walls nowadays, its variations are designed to enhance attaching between surface and plaster and enable better painting and decoration of the interior. Some modern types of plaster used in the construction industry are designed to strengthen elements of wall and ceiling. There are several types of commonly used plasters that provide the high quality coating and finishing, and the most popular are Multi-Finish. This type of plaster is perfect for insufficiently coated walls.
Hardwall plaster is another type of plaster used in construction industry designed to be placed as the first coat or backing plaster. The name derives from its specific trait to dry into the hard finish, which is a perfect coating for surfaces that need to withstand high mechanical pressure and resistance.
Multifinishing plaster is rather flexible and designed to be applied over any underlying surface, including directly onto plasterboard. The average layers need to meet a certain thickness criterion before you smooth it and polish it.
Browning plaster
Browning plaster used to be frequently utilized in the construction industry until Hardwall and Bonding types of plaster replaced it. It’s not abandoned completely because it has some of its feature that is specific and useful. For example, it is perfect for applying it, as the first coat to the finishing plaster, onto various large and rough surfaces, such as bricks. When applied in total thickness about 10mm, browning plaster is strong bonding material for other construction materials. Bonding plaster resembles browning plaster in some properties, and it is, also, quite sticky and adaptable to pretty much any underlying uneven background, including non-absorbent surfaces.
This refers to bricks particularly. It is, also, the perfect choice for poorly built and constructed walls if you apply it in several layers. Finally, metal lathing plaster is designed specifically for application onto metal lathing. Classic or Victorian plaster is a common form of plaster usually applied in residential houses and smaller commercial office buildings. It has some drawback that doesn’t make it quite a good choice for large industrial premises.